User Journey and Criteria Mapping

Connect people through things they love and help them further engage.

Wenxiao Wang
2 min readFeb 3, 2022

User Journey

1. Find interested events (e.g., exhibitions).
2. Find friends who are interested in this event.

(Friends are not interested or unavailable. Decided to go alone.)

3. Go to the event alone, look forward to the exhibition, and meet new people.
4. Arrive at the destination.

5. Meet another solo traveler while watching the exhibition.
Need context: Does the other person also want to socialize with people? Or want to watch the exhibition quietly? (Flow gap)

(Both want to get to know each other.)

6. Start socializing with each other.
How to start? (Flow gap)
Since they just met each other, people are unsure where to start.

7. Carry on the conversation.
How to fill an awkward silence? (Flow gap)
It takes several tries to find a topic that the other party is interested in, which could easily lead to an awkward silence. If the other party feels bored, it could lead to a quick end before knowing the person.

8. End the conversation.
How to end? (Flow gap)
Some people who are not good at socializing have trouble ending a conversation when they want to. If a conversation can be ended easily, it removes some social pressure, which can encourage two people to socialize freely at the very beginning.

9. Further engage: Watch the exhibition together.
What if they don’t want to further engage with the other person? (Flow gap)
What if one of them wants to watch the rest of the show alone? (Flow gap)
Need a good way of ending or a good way of screening at the beginning.

10. Keep in touch and further engage in the future. Social/Friend circle expanded.
How to motivate people to keep in touch with each other? (Flow gap)

User criteria mapping

User Needs
Meaningful connection with people
Learn and grow
Easy and engaging
Not Time-Consuming

Personal Needs
Learn socializing
Learn communication
Connect people through personal interest
Improve solo travel experience
Build a connection between online and onsite experience
In-person experience

